I Heart keenwah Review
The first time I saw Quinoa in the grocery store I had no clue what it was. It wasn’t until a year or so later at a family get together my vegan step brother-in-law filled me in. The first thing he pointed out was my pronunciation – it was all wrong. I pronounced it Quin-oh-uh; an honest mistake, right? It’s actually pronounced keen-wah and is an amazing food!
When I had the chance to review a product from I Heart keenwah you know I jumped at it. I have been cooking Quinoa and making it a part of our meals for about a year now. I love the versatility of it – use it as a side dish, create a dessert, make it a main course – the possibilities are limitless.
The sample I received was Chocolate Sea Salt Quinoa and I can honestly say it’s delicious. It has a wonderful crunch and a toffee like coating. The combination of ingredients make it a snack that’s not too rich but has just the right amount of sweetness to be great for dessert. They come in bite size square portions that are great for kids to pick up and eat. They are a little too hard for younger kids, but for older kids it’s a wonderfully healthy snack or dessert.
This is also a great treat for anyone who is Gluten intolerant as it’s all natural and gluten free. It does contain almonds and soy so be aware if you have those allergies. I can whole heartily recommend the Chocolate Sea Salt All Natural Quinoa Clusters to anyone in need of a snack that wont leave you disappointed.
You can find get these and other Quinoa based snacks from the I Heart keenwah website. You can also connect with I Heart keenwah on Facebook and Twitter!
Disclosure: I received a bag of Chocolate Sea Salt Quinoa Cluster from I Heart keenwah at no charge for the purpose of this review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.